Working with your mind, body, and nervous system for deep and lasting change


Somatic Coaching

Get clarity on your direction and purpose in life.

Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body.

Build new habits to support your growth.

Alex Greene & Somatic Coaching in Wisconsin

Somatic coaching is a transformational process that empowers individuals to more effectively function, work more skillfully with others, and embody new, generative ways of being. 

My approach to coaching is both cognitive and somatic. By working with the mind, body and nervous system we will work towards a deeper level of self-awareness to help you understand what you want in life. I incorporate multiple modalities that will help support you with a whole spectrum of body-mind and neurobiological tools.

Somatic coaching helps you:

• Clarify your purpose and commitments
• Explore your unique nervous system responses and patterns
• Communicate more skillfully with others
• Embody new, generative ways of being
• Transform patterns of stress, tension and habitual thinking

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Session (50 Minutes @ $150)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program


Somatic Experiencing (SE)

Tune into the rhythms of your nervous system.

Cultivate safety through the felt sense.

Build capacity for more life energy.

Alex Greene & Somatic experiencing in New York

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a bottom-up neurobiological approach for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. It utilizes conversation and felt-sense awareness to highlight and track body sensations and nervous system activation rhythms. This careful investigation will help the autonomic nervous system resolve stressors and traumatic imprints and move to a state of greater relaxation and well-being.

Recent neuroscience and traumatological research have shown that the “imprint“ of unresolved trauma has less to do with the narrative memories themselves and much more to do with the bodily autonomic states connected to those events.

Somatic Experiencing helps you:

• Discharge stress, tension and trauma patterns to support nervous system regulation
• Resolve Fight/Flight/Freeze responses in the nervous system
• Create a deeper awareness of body sensations and emotions
• Release traumatic shock and transform PTSD
• Heal the wounds of emotional and early developmental trauma

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Sessions (50 Minutes @ $150)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program


Internal Family Systems

Get to know your inner world.

Unburden your Wounded parts.

REstore Connection to Your Self-LEadership.

Alex Greene & Internal Family Systems in California

Internal family systems (IFS) is an evidence-based, non-pathologizing therapeutic approach that identifies and heals the ‘parts’ of you that need attending to. As humans, we hold multiple 'parts' that relate to our experiences, emotions, sensations, thoughts and behaviors which make up our inner world. By clarifying your connection to Self-energy we can restore harmony to your inner system.

As an IFS practitioner, I help you connect with your parts, listen to their concerns, and support whatever healing, integration, or transformation they may need. Over time you will learn to live in a more Self-led and intentional way that is aligned with your internal system.

IFS helps you:

• Deepen your understanding of your complex inner world
• Get to know your Protectors and how they support you
• Cultivate self-compassion and appreciation of your system
• Support collaboration instead of polarization among your parts
• Witness and Unburden wounded parts

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Sessions (50 Minutes @ $150)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program


TRE - Tension & Trauma Release


Access your Body’s natural ability to heal.

RElease stress, tension, and trauma.

Connect with your embodied self. 


TRE - Tension & Traume Releasing Exercises is a simple series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. It calms the nervous system by safely activating a natural tremoring reflex mechanism. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

By working with me you will be guided safely through the process to access your tremor response and learn how it can support you in your daily life. You will experience how your nervous system works and how your body can restore its natural sense of well-being.

TRE helps you:

• Calm your body and nervous system
• Release tension in your myofascial system
• Down-regulate your autonomic nervous system
• Resolve traumatic imprints in your body and brain-stem
• Heal symptoms of dysregulation such as difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, or restless leg syndrome

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Sessions (50 min session @ $150)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program

Alex Greene & Tension and Trauma Release

Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)

Engage your social engagement nervous system.

Stimulate the neural networks associated with listening.

Shift your nervous system into safety.

Alex Greene & Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based, non-invasive auditory intervention developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, founder of the Polyvagal Theory. It features specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve in order to re-pattern the neural networks and improve regulation of the autonomic nervous system for lasting change. This helps bring the nervous system out of a defensive (fight/flight/freeze) pattern into a more well-regulated and socially-engaged state.

Working together, you will listen to a series of filtered music delivered through over-the-ear headphones. We will watch for changes in sensation in your body and nervous system to help titrate each listening session to your system’s needs.

SSP helps you:

• Interrupt chronic defensive patterns (Fight/Flight/Freeze)
• Reduce auditory hypersensitivity
• Train your middle ear muscles to attune to cues of safety
• Restore your capacity for connection and social engagement
• Discover more calm and ease in your nervous system

Ways we work together:

• $350 for Independent at Home Listening 
• $150 for Facilitated Listening sessions 
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program


Brainspotting Therapy

PRocess and resolve trauma. 

Promote healing in your sub-cortical brain.

Increase capacity in your window of tolerance.


Brainspotting (BSP) is an evidence-based therapeutic process that uses specific points in your visual field to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain.  It is a brain-body-based treatment that uses relevant eye positions, bilateral music, somatic awareness, focused mindfulness, and therapeutic attunement to process and release stored traumas.

Brainspotting therapy will allow you to move quickly through processing the trauma in a contained and supported way. With less talking than in traditional talk therapy you will experience both rapid relief of distress and profound insights. By using the brain and body's natural ability to self-scan and self-heal we return to a place of equilibrium.

BSP helps you:

• Access your sub-cortical brain to release imprints of distress
• Process unresolved traumatic memories and emotions
• Learn to quickly allow your body to discharge stress
• Increase your nervous system’s window of tolerance
• Learn to use brainspots in your daily life for self-regulation

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Sessions (50 Minutes @ $150.00)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program

Brainspotting in New York

DARe Attachment Coaching

Understand your attachment style.

Create thriving relationships.

Move towards relational safety & secure attachment.


DARe (Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience) attachment coaching is an approach to working with the attachment system developed by Dr. Diane Poole-Heller. It rests on the belief that we are hardwired for connection and healing.

My approach to attachment coaching combines the somatic awareness skills from Somatic Experiencing with an additional focus on how our attachment or relational history informs our current patterns of connection. In our work, we will develop strategies and practical applications to effectively work with and heal your early attachment wounds.

DARe helps you:

• Understand how your early childhood experiences impact your adult relationships
• Resolve early attachment wounds
• Communicate with more clarity and authenticity
• Expand your capacity for connection in your current relationships
• Learn practices that help promote Secure Attachment

Ways we work together:

• 1:1 Online Sessions (50 Minutes @ $150.00)
Individualized Somatic Coaching Program


Unsure of where to start? 


To discuss what precisely aligns for you!
